Monday, February 20, 2012

Ompa til du dør - Kaizers Orchestra

(2001-Broiler Farm)

1. "Kontroll på kontinentet" (Control over the Continent)
Kaizers' debut album begins with a driving, forceful number. "Kontroll" starts off a bit rough, but one could argue that the song's charm lies in hearing it coalesce. My one complaint lies in Ottesen's nigh-shouted vocals.

2. "Ompa til du dør" (Dance 'till you Die)
The title track is a tricky number. Starting with a screechy little riff, "Ompa" morphs rather quickly into a jazzy little orgasm, culminating in a chorus that can't quite compete and a second verse that's so starkly minimalist that it feels out of place. Probably a minute longer than it needs to be.

3. "Bøn fra helvete" (Prayer from Hell)
The vocals carry "Bøn" through myriad metric and stylistic changes, none of which fail to entertain. The end result is eclectic, but worth every second.

4. "170"
"170" is easily my personal favorite off the album. The instrumentals are deliciously intricate, and definitely some of the best Kaizers have ever put out. The vocals are simply perfect, being half-sung, half-cried out in pure military fashion, suiting the "War is Hell" vibe of the song. I can't find a single second of this song that I am not fully, literally in love with. I would marry this song.

5. "Rulett" (Roulette)
A bit on the short side, and the vocals are a bit rough-around-the-edges. Dig that chorus, though.

6. "Dr. Mowinckel"
Pretty generic sounding overall. Predictable chorus.

7. "Fra sjåfør til passasjer" (From Driver to Passenger)
Beautiful melody. Great vocals. A touch longer than I'd have it, ideally.

8. "Resistansen" (The Resistance)
I adore the conspiratorial whisper Ottesen adopts for the verses of this one, and it's certainly grand to hear him shift to the swift revelry of the chorus with a dramatic flair rarely seen. Definitely a solid number.

9. "Dekk Bord" (Set the Table)
Meh verse, bitchin' chorus. For once I prefer Zahl's vocals to Ottesen's.

10. "Bak et halleluja" (Behind a Hallelujah)
Short, sweet, and fun to listen to.

11. "Bris" (Breeze)
Almost mournful to a fault, "Bris" is really just a bitter, older "170" after most of the spark is kicked out of it by a life full of bad decisions. That said, the brief, fleeting moments of life are goddamned radiant.

12. "Mr. Kaizer, hans Constanze og meg" (Mr. Kaizer, his Constanze and I)
An odd choice for the album, the song sounds a bit off the cuff. Kaizers are talented enough to make it fun to listen to, like "Bak et halleluja", but it becomes a chore by second listen.

+Excellent instrumentals.
+Superb vocals
+Cool as hell lyrics

-Rough as all hell

A number of hits, a couple of misses. All in all, "Ompa" is remarkable as a debut album, and I would heartily recommend giving it a listen.

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